Calgary Behavioural & Experimental Economics Lab

Behavioural and experimental economics have fundamentally changed the way economists conceptualize the world. Therefore The University of Calgary's Behavioral and Experimental Eocnomics Laboratory (CBEEL) was established in 2002 to support social science research, teaching, and policy applications involving controlled experiments.
CBEEL is located on in room 851 of the Social Sciences building on the University of Calgary main campus. CBEEL is equipped with 36 experimental stations in the primary lab and 24 stations in a secondary lab.
The laboratory was established with support from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the University of Calgary.
Research in the laboratory has been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), the Alberta Gambling Research Institute (AGRI), the Russell Sage Foundation, and the University of Calgary.